Monday, October 30, 2006

Making the passing grade

As I said in my last post, I understand that most people who are not bikers do not hold bikers in high respect. However, what always boggles me is that other bikers seem not to respect of think of other bikers safety.

When I ride my bike to class in the morning, I take my sweet time. I have hyper-active sweat glands that begin to moisten at the thought of temperatures over 60 degrees.

Yet when I ride, I stay as far to the left as possible. Some bikers who choose to leave late and ride fast then proceed to side swipe me, yell, honk and shoot at me. OK, the last two are made up.

I think common courtesy would call for you to just call out that you are approaching on the left. That is all it takes.

These simple guidelines for passing by the International Mountain Biking Association show you just how easy it is to pass effectively.

I promise I will steady my bike and stay to the left and let you zip by. Please, just don’t make my leisurely ride any more stressful or embarrassing on my German-manufactured, squeaky bike.

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