Monday, September 18, 2006

Don't be a debtor to society

While watching the Gators triumphant win over Tennessee this weekend, there was more than one flag thrown for unsportsmanlike conduct, but this one occurred off of the field.

At a football gathering I attended on Saturday, it was decided by the group that we would order some wings, a logical football food. Being the gracious guest that I was, I agreed to buy the wings and have everyone pay me back. Fifty-five dollars later, I have yet to see a penny back: But why?

Well, as is the case for an increasing number of people; cash is becoming something you find less of in wallets and more of in antique stores. In our digital age, the iGeneration has shunned cash and turned a loving and adoring eye to the debit/credit card. Live it up Visa and MasterCard, this is your moment.

After the wings were purchased, I was then informed by everyone at the party that they had no cash, but they would pay me back later. This was not part of the deal, and I definitely would not have agreed to pay for the wings had I known that they party guests looked at the food more as a layaway item.

So for all of you out there that think paying someone back later for something you enjoyed with instant gratification is alright, I would like you to check these two sites out.

  • For all you Visa veterans.

These sites will enable you to find your nearest ATM and take out a little cash. Even if it is 10 dollars, think of it as insurance so that you will not fall into that category of a loathsome layaway looser.

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