Friday, October 20, 2006

Shave and a Hair Cut? No Thanks.

I never thought I would have to make this post, but what I witnessed today was an outrage to all mankind.

I entered a public restroom today on campus. Now, I know that it is a public restroom, and I know that I shouldn’t have high expectations. But this restroom is just outside of the food court. Upon entering, there was a man in the bathroom shaving. Perhaps shaving is the correct word; I think trimming would be better. He was trimming his beard in the bathroom.

I did not ask him why he felt the need to do it there, because I did not care to. As it was a public restroom, he could do whatever he wanted. So I did my business, and meanwhile, the mystery shaver left. When I walked to this sink, his trimmed hair was all over the sink and floor. It looked like someone shaved Big Foot in there.

How one could cut his facial hair in a public restroom and walk out without an attempt at cleaning it is beyond me.

I found this blogger in India who finds public shaving equally gross. I propose that we adopt the same law that India has, where it is prohibited to shave in a public steam room. In fact, I propose we spread this beyond a steam room. Unless it is a communal bathroom (i.e. dorms), I believe we should abolish public shaving. It’s just gross.

Also, while searching for a blog about shaving in public, I came across this guy’s blog, devoted entirely to shaving. I just thought I should note this.

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